dvd and book cover of 10 great dates to energize your marriage with david arp, claudia arp, joshua straub, christi straub
10 Great Dates - Bundle with link to the Videos
10 Great Dates - Bundle with link to the Videos

10 Great Dates - Bundle with link to the Videos

Regular price $168.99 Sale price $129.99 Save $39.00
-9 in stock

10 Great Dates to Energize Your Marriage - Bundle includes:

    • Link to the videos (New with Josh & Christi Straub) with 10 date launches - Internet connection required (DVD is no longer available
    • 8 copies of the participant's book, 10 Great Dates to Energize Your Marriage 
    • With your purchase, you will also receive a Link for the digital videos and PDF of the Leader's Guide.