The Time is Now
by David & Claudia Arp
February 16th, 2017
Time—what is it? Sixty seconds makes a minute, minutes turn into hours, and hours into days. Time zips by almost unnoticed. Then something happens and time seems to stand still. Life is never the same again.
It was one of those phone calls you dread. Lillian, Dave’s mom, had suffered a stroke. In the next few weeks as she lingered between life and death, time stopped long enough for us to reflect on this remarkable woman and the seasons of her life and marriage.
Dave’s parents were married for fifty-five years. As we reflected on their years together, we thought about our own marriage and a challenge . . . Are you being good stewards of the time you still have together? How are you investing your marriage moments?
Each season of marriage comes with different stress points and challenges. The casual discovery days of the first months and years accelerate into the hectic parenting years and on into the empty nest and the retirement season of life. The years quickly race by.
As we considered my parent’s fifty-five year marriage, I (Dave) remembered how, when I was a young boy, my parents from time to time would go off alone together. As a teenager, I’d catch them hugging and kissing on the balcony. I remembered how as empty nesters, they were each other’s best friend. Throughout the seasons of their marriage, they took time to love each other.
Now Lillian is gone. We realize anew that our marriage is time-bound and someday we too will be parted by death. We ask ourselves, are we being good stewards of the time we do have?
If you are ever going to love me,
Love me now, while I can know
The sweet and tender feelings
Which from true affection flow.
Love me now while I am living.
Do not wait until I’m gone
And then have it chiseled in marble,
Sweet words on ice-cold stone.
If you have tender thoughts of me,
Please tell me now.