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During the holiday season, couples spent a lot of time together.

So let us ask you this pointed question: Is your spouse your best friend? If so, you’re on your way to having a great marriage because friendship is a key factor in successful marriages. In our own survey of long-term marriages, we discovered that as the years go by, the friendship factor becomes even more important.
Think about it. Have you ever met a couple on the way to the divorce court who were best friends and having fun together? We haven’t! So if being friends with your spouse is so important, what can you do today to build your friendship?
Daily we have the opportunity to deepen our friendship through spending time together, but we must be intentional about it or it just won’t happen! So how can you foster quality time together?
Have you noticed that men and women have different friendship styles? Men tend to value doing things together, while women tend to value talking together. For that reason, shared activities and regular times to talk go hand in hand, allowing the friendship needs of each spouse to be met.
Keep this thought in mind from Dr. Georgia Witkin: “In survey after survey, at least 80 percent of couples in successful long-term relationships report that they have become best friends.”