Love is in the air - honor your marriage...

It was a beautiful, small family wedding. Every detail was lovingly planned and executed with great care. Sure, little glitches happened. It rained; the flower girl didn’t want to scatter the rose petals; and the cabs to return guests to the hotel were slow to arrive. But on balance, it was an amazing experience.
Later, we commented on how well everything had gone. The newlyweds were happy and relieved. The bride said, “Now at last we are done with all that planning and hard work!”
“Not so fast,” we told them. “This may be the end of the road for the wedding planner, but it’s the beginning of the road for your marriage. Marriage is a journey, not a destination. (And it’s hard work!) You’ll never arrive but your journey together will go better if you have a road map. Now is the time to plan for your future together.”
We challenged them to set specific goals for the first year of their marriage.
Where are you on your marital journey? Newlyweds? In the middle of the parenting years? Empty nest years? Think back to your own wedding day. How are you living out your vows to honor, respect, and celebrate your marriage? In practical terms we’re talking about listening to your spouse when you’d rather go to sleep, hanging up the wet towel once again, or something as simple as taking out the garbage or setting your smart phone to the “do not disturb” mode. Putting your partner first through little daily acts of kindness will help you treasure your marriage.
Marriage is a wonderful mystery–a life drama you live out together. In the beginning God created marriage and it was very good. With his blessing we become one flesh and cleave to each other becoming best friends and soul mates. In a very real sense, an enriched marriage reflects God’s love to a world where tragically starter marriages are thrown away daily. God forbid! Start today by reaffirming your marriage vows and setting goals for your marriage. Choose one goal to work on this summer. In so doing, you may find refreshment for the soul of your marriage.
That is why a man leaves his father and mother
and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.
Genesis 2:24 NLT