Rest NOW

Written by Heather Larson

Bridgewell Coaching

For the past few years I have run almost everyday around four miles a day. When people hear this, they have a variety of responses. Those who are not runners find me somewhere between crazy and impressive. The real runners have a different perspective. They often inquire about my lack of days off or if I try any alternative exercise. I should have listened to these experienced runners warnings to have days off for rest, but I didn’t.

Even when my own body started sending signals of pain that I might need to take some time to rest, I kept running. I started by just ignoring the pain, hoping it would just go away. Then I began looking at ways to blame the pain on something else; perhaps it was from running on the ice and snow. Finally, I had to admit that the pain was not getting better and I needed to stop and rest.

I don’t think I’m alone when it comes to pushing through the warning signs or signals that I need rest in other areas of my life too. It is easy to keep pushing ahead thinking there will be rest in the future. I can blame my over extended schedule on outside commitments or activities I’ve said “yes” to; my job, my kids activities, my volunteer work.

This isn’t the pace that God created me to run. He is a God who values rest. He began by modeling it at the beginning of creation. Knowing my stubborn need to keep moving, He even gives me a command to take a Sabbath day of rest! Through rest, God promises to restore me in Psalm 23:2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. Doesn’t that sound wonderful? Rest: to take relief or respite, peace of mind, freedom from activity or labor. Restore: to replace; to renew or revive; to return.

Oh, how I wish I could return to running again. I wish I had listened to the warning signs and not blamed outside circumstances. I wish I had rested so I could be restored.  I’m hoping to learn from this experience the importance of rest in all areas of my life.  My running injured my hip, but my constant running in other areas of life affects my relationships, my family, my friends and time with God.

Where do you need rest in your life? What are the warning signs? Don’t wait. Rest now. Be restored.